Saint Stephen's Catholic Primary School

Year 3

Mrs Pearson and Miss Adams


Curriculum Intent

Curriculum Overview

Relationships & Health Education Programme of Study

LKS2 Curriculum (Parents) Meeting

Homework Letter 

Spring 1: What were the achievements of the early civilisations?

Encyclopedia - What were the achievements of the early civilisations?

WOW! - What happens during mummification?

RE Overview - What is the Sacrament of Reconciliation? 

Autumn 2: What is beneath my feet?

Encyclopedia - What is beneath my feet?

WOW! - What natural disasters are there in the world?

RE Overview - How is Mary, our mother, important in the Nativity?

Post - learning -  What is beneath my feet?

Post - learning - How is Mary, our mother, important in the Nativity?

Autumn 1: How was prehistoric life different to today?

Encyclopedia - How was prehistoric life different to today?

WOW! - What are cave paintings?

RE Overview - How do we become part of the Christian family?

Post-learning How was prehistoric life different to today? 

Post-learningHow do we become part of the Christian family?